Sunday, August 28, 2011

Is African Union on wrong side of history on Libya?

Libyan rebels advance into Tripoli for the most part came as a surprise to the World. Gaddafi's spin machine was at its best in scaring the hell out of the rebels of the dreadful encounter awaiting them in Tripoli. However, thanks to the braveheart of the rebels and good judgement of residents of Tripoli, the encounter was more or less a drive-through.

Now pondits, Libyan Transitional National Government and other policy makers are debating post-Gaddafi' Libya.

One conspicuous missing link though is the voice of the African Union in all of this. South Africa for example has not been particularly thrilled by the turn of events over the last few days. They actually moved to block a vote at the UN enabling the Libyan TNC funds to settle in.

Much as we all abhor the west meddling in internal African affairs, we have to understand that the Libyan experience is what can be considered blueprint for such operations. Gaddafi is a mad dog who has oppressed his own people for over 42 years, period.

It is about time African Union tilt to the right side of history and support their brothers and sisters in Libya.

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