Monday, April 4, 2011

Where are the jobs?

We all welcome the news that jobless rate keeps dropping in the US.The question is, why aren't the Obama administration laughing out loud over this good news? This is in part because the latest job data has so many caveats it is hard to measure its real impact.

I may be among the minority who see the prevailing high unemployment rate as an issue of national interest--consider the fact that a disproportionate number of the unemployed demographic are youth with some college degree. This trend is clearly diminishing premium society places on higher education.

The disturbing piece of the puzzle is that there are so many things our government can do that it does not have political will to do or doing it half-way because it wants to be politically correct.

Mr. Obama, as you begin the journey of renewing your commitment to the poeple, I implore you to employ the necessary tools to give the youth hope they can believe.

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