Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Politics, Class Struggle and Rock and Roll

As student of politics, it breaks my heart to see how modern day politics is badly played out to the extent that people vying for public offices are shying away from being labeled politicians! Don't get me wrong, politics has always been associated with the game of cat and mouse from the beginning of creation--I remember in my politics 101 class, the first question I encountered was, Politics is a dirty game, dicusss. What is alarming these days though is the frequency and magnitude of lies, deceptions, and misrepresentations we see in politics.

This trend is not only peculiar to Third World democracies such as Ghana where both the ruling and opposition parties are gilty of manipulating facts to serve their end goal. Here in the US, politicians are seen misinforming, inciting, and scaring the public everyday on issues ranging from tax increases, immigration, national deficit, and the President's birth certificate, all in the name of appealing to their base.

The sad part of all these is that most of these issues our politicians are toying with affect the very survival of the working class. If this is not a classic case of class struggle where corporations sponsor politicians to dance Rock and Roll then I personally do not know what this is all about.